
Friday, March 26, 2021

Master The Tasks

 Lately in Te Ngahere we have been learning how to contribute and collaborate with our learning group. The task was called Taskmaster. We had to copy what our teacher drew on a piece of paper hanging up on the window outside. The challenge was that there was two walkers and one drawer only the walkers could go outside and have a look at the picture then the walkers in your group has too explain what to draw and where to draw it.   It was a Team building activity 

Attempt one: The thing that was challenging was trying to have the right words in a way that my group Tiana and 

Te Hauata would understand and not saying the same thing over and over again. The hard thing was everyone was yelling at you saying this, saying that and you are not understanding what they’re saying. What didn’t work well was they say something, then you draw it and then they say no not that and you have something that you don’t even know what you drew on your piece of paper. What did work well was once I got use to them telling me the instructions it got easier and they weren’t repeating the same thing over and over again and just getting louder.

Attempt Two: What we changed for attempt two was I changed to the runner from the drawer. What was challenging  was being the runner instead if the drawer. That was hard because I was not giving my buddie the right instructions so that she understood what I meant. What worked well was when we did attempt one it was hard, but when my buddie got used to us telling her instructions she knew what to do for attempt two. What I learnt was it is better when you explain and contribute with your group instead of just sitting there. I also learnt that instead of saying the same thing over and over again while getting louder you should try saying something else in a way they can understand you. 

Have you ever done an activity like this before?

First Attempt

                                                                       Second Attempt 


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