In Te Ngahere we learnt how to tidy our drives for cybersmart. To tidy our drive we had to make sure that everything was filed and named. If you have an untitled google doc, drawing or slide then we had to put it in trash and delete it. We had to sort everything out and make sure that there is appropriate things in our drive.
First we we were given a google presentation to teach us how to clean our drive and keep it tidy. It was called “John’s messy drive”. We had sort everything in the right folders and make sure everything is named and filed. We had to put a red circle around the presentations that is not named at all and put a blue circle around the presentations that is not named correctly. Once we have finished our presentation we had to clean our own drive and take a screenshot to prove it is tidy. By the time you have finished your drive it should be clean and have no untitled docs, no unfiled docs and be name correctly. Here is My Presentation
What does your classroom do for cybersmart?
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